Handsworth 'QK' Nominees

Quinn Keast pursued his adopted mission of developing a "complete" game in the way he played basketball with undying determination and dedication to do his best.  He played with tenacity, intensity, and heart on both ends of the floor.  Those qualities are not necessarily reflected on the score sheet, but every coach recognizes their intangible and invaluable contribution to team success.

Each year the coach of every one of the 10 or so teams at Handsworth Secondary School in North Vancouver, B.C., from Grade 8 through 12, is asked to nominate a player who best exemplifies those attributes. Their names on inscribed on the Left Shoe Trophy which resides in the basketball trophy case at the school. By recognizing these special players the Quinn Keast Foundation wishes to encourage their endeavors.


George Horn & Robert Lutman (Senior Boys)

Francesca Roccuzzo & Samantha Mark (Senior Girls)

Tate Christiansen (Junior Boys)

Abby Watters & Claire Ambrozic (Junior Girls)

James Hartley & Griffin Sandor (Juvenile Boys)

Anna Kanwischer (Juvenile Girls)

Kang Bi An (Bantam Boys Gold)

Sean Hope (Bantam Boys Blue)

Faith Barta (Bantam Girls)


Daniel Shokomoayed (Senior Boys)

Sydney Fieldgate-Feenie (Senior Girls)

Roger O’Callaghan (Junior Boys)

Kylie Passant (Junior Girls)

Matthys Van Bylandt  (Juvenile Boys)

Claire Ambrozic (Juvenile Girls)

Max Cameron (Bantam Boys Blue)

Logan Kennedy (Bantam Boys Gold)

Naraya Garson & Chloe Young (Bantam Girls Blue)

Alejandra Delgado & Carolyn Waltz (Bantam Girls Gold)


Blake McLean (Senior Boys)

Lizzie Marks-Worling (Senior Girls)

George Horn (Junior Boys)

Roger O'Callaghan (Juvenile Boys)

Amytis Saggafi (Juvenile Girls)

Travis Mackay (Bantam Boys Gold)

Alpacino Bigting (Bantam Boys Blue)

Samantha Mark (Bantam Girls)


Amir Hajisafar (Senior Boys)

Emily Wood (Senior Girls)

Scott Watson (Junior Boys)

Aidan Chubb (Junior Girls)

Robert Lutman (Juvenile Boys)

Roger O'Callaghan (Bantam Boys Gold)

Owain Cormack (Bantom Boys Blue)

Iris Park (Bantam Girls)


Bryce McLean (Senior Boys)

Emily Burns (Senior Girls)

Josh Butler (Junior Boys)

Jenelle McComb (Junior Girls)

Ethan Billard (Juvenile Boys)

Katie Mitchell (Juvenile Girls)

Robert Lutman (Bantam Boys Gold)

Sam Marburg (Bantam Boys Blue)

Michelle Sue (Bantam Girls Gold)


Aidan Kim (Senior Boys)

Oana Lapuste (Senior Girls)  

Ryan Wheeler (Junior Boys)               

Grace Humer (Junior Girls)      

Stanley Choo (Juvenille Boys Gold)

Sean Hui (Juvenile Boys Blue)    

Julia Strigl (Juvenille Girls)          

Daniel Shokohmoayed (Bantam Boys)    

Katie Mitchell (Bantam Girls)       


Adam Karmali (Senior Boys)

Alanna Martin (Senior Girls)  

Bryce McLean (Junior Boys)               

Oana Lapuste(Junior Girls)      

Ryan Wheeler (Juvenille Boys)     

Megan Gurlach (Juvenille Girls)          

Josh Butler (Bantam Boys Gold) 

Nick Hamilton (Bantam Boys Blue)       

Chloe Brebner (Bantam Girls Gold)       

Hazel Bice (Bantam Girls Blue)


Charlie Horn (Senior Boys)

Abby Dixon & Elisa Homer (Senior Girls)  

Mihai Lapuste (Junior Boys)               

Jenna Birch-Jones (Junior Girls Gold)  

Emily Burns (Junior Girls Blue)       

Michael Gajdics (Juvenille Boys)     

Natasha Bulowski (Juvenille Girls)          

Isaac Markinson (Bantam Boys Gold) 

Gabriel Fields (Bantam Boys Blue)       

Ryah Karmali (Bantam Girls Gold)       

Sarah Curleigh (Bantam Girls Blue)


Adam Karmali (Senior Boys)

Abby Dixon (Senior Girls)

Mike Lim (Junior Boys)

Lianna Rushworth (Junior Girls)

Aidan Callow & Aidan Kim (Juvenile Boys)

Ali Dunn (Juvenile Girls)

Adam Thodos(Bantam Boys Gold)

Owen Luzstig (Bantam Boys Blue)

Lorissa Corrie (Bantam Girls Gold)

Danielle Desrochers (Bantam Girls Blue)


Kevin Frank (Senior Boys)

Allison Patterson (Senior Girls)

Kurt Bell (Junior Boys)

Adam Karmali (Juvenile Boys)

Stephanie Pospiech (Juvenile Girls)

Samuel Engstrom (Bantam Boys Gold)

Jamie Barraclough (Bantam Boys Blue)

Alanna Martin (Bantam Girls)


John Leong (Senior Boys)

Kristjana Young and Diana Lee (Senior Girls)

Cam Scott (Junior Boys)

Christine Mckenzie (Junior Girls Gold)

Jen Tracy (Junior Girls Blue)

Charlie Horn (Juvenile Boys)

Adam Karmali (Bantam Boys Gold)  

Sarah Sadler (Bantam Girls Blue)

Michelle Pittam (Bantam Girls Gold)


Andrew McGuinness (Senior Boys) 

Bethan Chalke (Senior Girls) 

William Kershaw (Junior Boys)

Taylor Shein (Junior Girls)

Matthew Callow (Juvenile Boys)

Amanda Watson (Juvenile Girls)

Charlie Horn (Bantam Boys)

Lizzy Hamlin (Bantam Girls Gold)

Stephanie Norlander (Bantam Girls Blue)


Kat Stein (Senior Girls)

Patrick Shier (Senior Boys)

Angela White (Junior Girls)

Connor LeQuesne (Junior Boys)

Shea Allison (Juvenile Girls)

John Leong (Juvenile Boys)

Emily Oxland (Bantam Girls Gold)

George Hill (Bantam Boys Gold)

Jen Tracy (Bantam Girls Blue)


Diana Lee (Senior Girls)

Andrew McGuinness (Senior Boys)

Bethan Chalke (Junior Girls)

Ryan Wheeler (Junior Boys)

Lindsay Adair (Juvenile Girls)

Cam Perrin (Juvenile Boys)

Jenna Vaandering (Bantam Girls Gold)

Douglas Lai  (Bantam Boys Gold)

Sean Yoon  (Bantam Boys Blue)

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